
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Land March

In social studies our task was based on the NZ land march in 1975 on the 14th of September the land march took 29 days from the top of the north island to the bottom of the north island this was so that Maori could tell the people to stop taking the lands off Maori people and that it is there land to and they live there to and here is 

Monday, August 9, 2021

Human Rights

 In humanities we have been learning about human rights and researching all about it and also videos to help a little more i have learned about the universal declaration of human rights but i don't really want to know anything about human rights cause of the work i'v learnt from it if any readers have any questions then i'll answer

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Springbok Tour Protests

 So back in the day NZ and South Africa liked playing rugby but then racisicim happend and thats how apartheid which another name for it is apartness and when that happend SA came to NZ again and then tried to watch some rugby at the stadiums but the police came to stop them from coming in so the South Africans wore helmets to protect themselves from the special police batons and not long after the maori all blacks where called honorary whites which upset them because of how all blacks that wern't maori got to go to SA to verse them in rugby because apparently maori were supposed to repesent NZ for rugby overseas but the rugby union said nah will send the non maori and then after that the hamaltion rugby game was cancelled due to hundrads of anti protesters occupiing the field i think due to all this protesting i think it all went well now that all people different can be also respected and i think that this protest helped for nelson mandella to become the new president of SA which means he got out of jail after all he did and was the first black president of SA 

Thursday, July 8, 2021


Today we did a burger plan and if you don't know what a burger plan is well it's basically like a draft typed looking burger where you put a plan for this i did persuasive writing about which makes better pets cats or dogs i said that Dogs are better than cats because They can listen to you Dogs can be trained faster and better And you can play with them they also Keep thieves out Dogs can defend you from unwanted people they Keep you safe they Can help you get better Dogs are more proactive Kids love to play with them so In my opinion Dog are the best out of cats.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Climate change is a lie I don't think so because it is already proven that Climate change is real if you don't believe me Check this out. Scientists know that the atmosphere the air we breathe in is warming up with Carbon dioxide As the air gets more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the trees can't take in that much. With more trees dying, that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is growing faster. People are making it worse because people are wanting more land making the trees either turn to paper or to wooden planks. This is called deforestation and it's happening right now. The oceans will rise because Antarctica is melting, making coastlines sink here's why as the air gets warmer and more trees and plants that make oxygen die the ice caps on antarctica or on the north pole will start melting


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Prime minister

 for social studies we have been working on politics and what we would do if we were prime minister so my in my group was Sam Elias and Isaiah our group was named mufti party because we said to get rid of uniform kai time now by that i mean there will be still kai time just you won't have to wait in class you can just get the food and then leave to interval and the reasons we think this is because. 

it makes us late

it's expensive 

we can leave early on certain days 

some classes are longer such as P.E

and some classes are shorter such as maths

and that is some of our reasons why we chose these in the first place 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Journey of heat Chemistry

 what we have been doing in science is experiments and test like a dried ice experiment pomegranate crystal experiment and other experiments but we have been learning more about heat

conduction- conduction is when heat moves into a cold space

convention- convention is when a light material rise up like the purple liquid in the potassium pomegranate crystal

contraction- contraction is where something squeezes making it contract and tighten

expansion-expansion is when something grows bigger or becomes bigger much like the how the universe began  

one of the experiments we did was to fill a can with cold water and then heat it up above a Bunsen burner and wait for the water in the can to boil up and when the can smokes up then we quickly had to tip the can upside down and put it into an ice cream container filled with cold water and then watched the can as it contacted or squeezed tightly cause of the cold water how the particles reacted to the experiment