
Tuesday, June 30, 2020


  • in this we are learning about the matariki stars and here there are i put the names and meaning of there names as well 
  • Alcyone – Matariki, eyes of Tāwhirimātea.
  • Atlas – Tupu-ā-rangi sky tohunga.
  • Electra – Waipuna-ā-rangi, sky spring.
  • Taygeta – Waitī, sweet water.
  • Pleione – Tupu-ā-nuku, Earth tohunga.
  • Merope – Ururangi, entry to the heavens.
  • Maia – Waitā, sprinkle of water.
and they are the meaning of the names 

and about the stories of the nine stars i will make a link down below 

basically the story of the stars they are stars come to earth and turn into human looking girls then 9 boys come hunting and then find them in the forest take them back to there village the after a while they married the stars who looked like humans then they got hungry because they had took care of there families that were soon but the brothers spied on their wives as they said that they were going for a walk then they saw the evil they should have not unleashed so they made a plan to get rid of the sisters and midnight the plan worked as they planned and they got sent back to being stars and brothers kept track of sisters and called that day matariki the day of the nine stars
Matariki the Māori New Year - 2020 - Kiwi Families


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Independence day


The Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago made up of 7,106 islands located in relation to many of Southeast Asia's main water bodies: the South China Sea, Philippine Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and Luzon Strait.

Philippines flag 3D Animation: Philippine Flag GIF | Gfycat

How did Philippines gain there independence 
Supposedly, the Tydings-McDuffie act of 1934 will grant independence to the Philippines in 1945 but the Japs came and invaded Manila. After the defeat of Japan in 1945, the US has granted the Philippines Independence on July 4, 1946. Since then until 1962, Independence Day is celebrated by Filipinos on July 4. 

One of the most significant dates in the Philippine's history is Independence Day because it marks the nation's independence from the Spanish rule on June 12, 1898. Filipinos celebrate it annually on June 12.

The festival now, not only consists of costumes and dances, but also contests, such as art exhibits, beauty pageants, photo contests, and singing and dancing contests. Participants may also join the festival's activities, such as concerts, cultural shows, fireworks display, fun runs, and street fairs.

what they eat at independence day
pulled pork adobo
There's nothing like classic Filipino favorites to kick off your Independence Day weekend. Get some lean center loin pork and leave it whole so it makes more of Filipino pulled pork. Put some soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, lots of crushed garlic, and ground peppercorns.


Celebrate Philippine Independence Day | HelperChoice

Monday, June 8, 2020


today i'v been working so hard on this slide so if you want to see it it's the link down below

Friday, June 5, 2020

Freeze frames

freeze frames are different from thought tracking thought tracking is when you do this Thought-track and hot-seating. A thought-track is when a character steps out of a scene to address the audience about how they're feeling. Sharing thoughts in this way provides deeper insight into the character for an audience Sometimes the character might feel something different to the words they're speaking. and freeze frames are like a single frame forming a motionless image from a film or videotape.use a freeze-frame facility on (an image or a recording). And that's what they both are but today we will be talking about thought tracking just a way were you freeze and think of what the person would be thinking through his motion

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Arbor day is  a holiday that we celebrate to acknowledge the importance of trees 

why is it imported in NZ environment.

it is important for NZ important because we need trees so we can get back our forest and plant more plants and trees because everyday every time they cut down so lets grow more

what are some ways we see HHS. 

with big trees and some that are small and kids being able to climb trees and relax near tree as the shade blocks the sun from when it's a hot day.

helping with environment/ Arbor day

arbor day helps with the trees plants and the nature within when trees a re planted we know that our native birds are going to come back and when plants come back with swamp native insects come back  and that's why arbor day is so important Growing Tree Animation GIF | GfycatGrowing Tree on Make a GIF