- in this we are learning about the matariki stars and here there are i put the names and meaning of there names as well
- Alcyone – Matariki, eyes of Tāwhirimātea.
- Atlas – Tupu-ā-rangi sky tohunga.
- Electra – Waipuna-ā-rangi, sky spring.
- Taygeta – Waitī, sweet water.
- Pleione – Tupu-ā-nuku, Earth tohunga.
- Merope – Ururangi, entry to the heavens.
- Maia – Waitā, sprinkle of water.
and they are the meaning of the names
and about the stories of the nine stars i will make a link down below
basically the story of the stars they are stars come to earth and turn into human looking girls then 9 boys come hunting and then find them in the forest take them back to there village the after a while they married the stars who looked like humans then they got hungry because they had took care of there families that were soon but the brothers spied on their wives as they said that they were going for a walk then they saw the evil they should have not unleashed so they made a plan to get rid of the sisters and midnight the plan worked as they planned and they got sent back to being stars and brothers kept track of sisters and called that day matariki the day of the nine stars